Sunday, August 10, 2014

Hidden Journaling

When I began scrapbooking I focused on the pictures rather than the stories behind them; I keep journals, so I figured anyone who cared enough could just cross-reference. Eventually I realized that not only did I NOT want people to read those journals, but they probably didn't actually contain any details about the thing I took the pictures of! Fail on both accounts. So I began journaling with my scrapbook pages, but often felt unhappy about how the pages looked - my handwriting is decent but not perfect, but I didn't necessarily want to spend the time typing out each page, figuring out font sizing and columns and what have you... it just wasn't what I was looking for. The end result of these two seemingly disparate desires was to hide my journaling. It's easily accessible, just a pull tab near the top of the page, and has everything someone might want to know about what the heck they're looking at. BOOM! Problem solved.

Hidden behind a larger family photo is a list of all the people in it, by rows. Yes, it's obvious to ME who they are, but what about my posterity? 

 The photo wasn't as large as I wanted my journaling to me, so I actually his my write-up behind the accent paper. I gave a description of what the heck we were doing, why we were doing it, and who we did it with. All good things to know!